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The spot for the good news, the good word, the quick reports of the many, many wonderful news items I hear all the time and want to share with the rest of you. Expect to find the good news when you come to check out "what’s the good word?"

Friday, December 20, 2013

The Advocate

Self-emptying, open vistas, pondering and praying, dwelling and discerning, writing and wondering. Names flash before me, Faces emerge. Thoughts surface. Words form.

As unproductive as these moments of reflection may be viewed within the world of business, it has become the norm for me to start my day this way. I now have confidence in the outcome of listening within and allowing the notions that arise to influence my day’s agenda and actions. Ultimately, I have become engaged and aligned in the Mission of a church that I see is “on course” The above spiritual practice I participate in, is what I have learned from our CEM Mission Advocates, from the Leading Congregations in Mission retreat and in exploring the world church website. These practices have been introduced to the church from our insightful leadership at World Church who themselves participate in and are advocates for these spiritual practices that guide the workplace sensitivities, governance, and administration of a church that exists differently in the world than that of a business or other governing bodies. World Church is the hub of a wheel from which redemptive ministries flow. Our Mission Centres are an extension of those ministries which cascade to congregations, members and ministers. Ministry as members or apostles begins with prayerful listening moments. These moments inform our lives, the life of a church and the lives of those who are impacted by our ministries that emerge.

I am grateful for a World Church whose first principle of “being” both within its individual leaders and governance holds forth discerning spiritual practices as where we begin in each and every decision. We are recipients of grace through the ministries of World Church. Even though we may perceive the functions of World Church are similar to a corporate head office in structure and communications, there is a fundamentally different foundational awareness of presence and mission that permeates the interactions and ministries that flow from its centre.

As members who are distant geographically from these interactions, we presume the corporate World Church operates with the same business protocols as what we are familiar with where we work. How do we become attuned to who we are as a Church that is “in the world but not of it.” We need to get to know the very heart of our being as a people and not take World Church for granted. It is a blessing in our midst. May we each proactively as a beginning place in our relationship with World Church allow it to be a source of blessing in our lives. May we put aside any we/they attitudes that may exist and allow ourselves to be open to the ongoing flow of ministries from our Centre. We need to view our context with World Church as a relationship. Therefore, let us choose to know the other. Let us delve into the World Church website and meet our leadership, our devoted staff that support us and explore the wealth of resources that are there for no other reason than for us. Someone, dedicated, prayerful and insightful wrote and prepared every resource that is shared……just for you…., to bless you personally, to be a blessing through you to others.

If we are to be Community of Christ, our calling, a blessing in the midst of our neighbourhoods, then the call to us is to become aligned with the heart of who we are. If World Church is a far off entity in your life, we have lost our soul as a church. I invite you to reconnect, to envision yourself beyond your own life, your own congregation to the source of our identity as Community of Christ. World Church is a blessing and resource and most of all, gifted, loving and giving people we need to get to know and affirm as they affirm us.

Ultimately, our contributions maintain the ministries of World Church. Unlike a business, there is no products to sell to generate revenues, no sources of income to fund operations solely focused to bless our lives. Although we live within the day to day of congregational life which we financially support, World Church relies on you and me to fund all of its ministries. May awareness of the grace of this source of blessing in our midst allow us to also start contributing to World Church or to increase our generosity. It is greatly needed. Thank you for your new or renewed relationship with the heart of our Church. Thereby your life will continue to be blessed but you now also have a renewed awareness, a new connectedness and an emerging relationship that will broaden the scope of your life and ministries. Thank you.

Submitted by Kerry

Thursday, December 12, 2013

With the Advent of......

Life had a way of being lived, then with the advent of Christ in my life……everything changed. Encountering the grace of God is life changing. Advent can occur everyday as we allow Christ to intersect our lives, to be vulnerable to grace. We can intentionally live by the “Advent Creed”; expecting, anticipating, hoping and discovering as we align our lives with Christ. My experience is that I/we may take for granted our life in Christ.  What does this mean? To me, it is assuming that things are not going to change, that we can relax unawares in an illusive relationship with Christ or the church just leaving things the way they are, because it is probably the easiest option and does not disrupt our busy lives. We think all is well.

I propose “we do not know what we don’t know”. Abiding in Christ, taking upon us the name of Christ, is very much about continual change. That is why we celebrate, and participate in a season of Advent. Advent points to and calls us to the “new” in Christ. Often in accepting the status quo in our lives, taking things for granted, we rest upon our self-sufficiencies even when doing what we consider ministry. We rely upon our personal self-reliance, independence, our expertise, skill-sets and innate abilities with experienced heightened ego in moments of excellence. Our personal best thinking, best competencies, best anything may actually obscure, detour or diminish the “new” that the Spirit is seeking to do through me/us. “We do not know what we don’t know” We do not understand. Living within the Advent Creed we become aware that abiding in Christ is a daily advent awareness of seeing through new eyes, new sensitivities, discerning afresh the day or moment ahead. Our new Words of Counsel express that “opportunities abound in your daily life if you choose to see them” Advent living prepares the way for us to “see,” to have the veil lifted from our minds, to understand our moments in our day are not about me/us, but about those opportunities that abound about me/us that would not otherwise be seen. My personal best can become better! Outcomes of my best made better are more relevant, more personal, more compassionate, more caring, more real than in trusting in myself.

The experience of personal advent is one of vulnerability, becoming more receptive, dwelling in prayer, pondering in thought, learning and discerning in expectant hope. Today we use the phrase, “spiritual formation”. The reality of this experience is one of becoming absolutely aware of what I did not know, of my illusions of ministerial independence, of the richness of grace. Only then can I begin to ascertain the abundance of opportunities that the Spirit guides and enables. I have posed this question before in a blog. Is this the stuff of mystics, itself an illusion? I have tried both ways of living. My testimony is that the vulnerable, emptying, listening advent way of life is real. The best does become better, more positive, more inclusive, more personal, but there is also a knowing assurance beyond hope that the expected Spirit will abide, empower and enlighten. The other side of the coin is that life also becomes more disruptive and unexpected in what is encountered when advent moments emerge. There is also a yearning for more.

I call you to believe in the historical and personal Advent of Christ. Seek him out as Wise Men of Old……

Submitted by Kerry    

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Year-end Generosity for Maximum Tax Deductions

Year-end Generosity for Maximum Tax Deductions

In the December Herald the church reported generosity giving is down more than 20% this year. Do you have the capacity to give more? The leap illustrated above can be manifested in practical ways through your gift to the church to support our Christ led Mission. Especially this month, let's personally reduce the consuming trend which then increases our capacity to give and see ourselves as part of the solution. Thank you, your lives will reflect where your heart is.

Before year-end we each have the opportunity to maximize our generosity contributions and also become recipients of the Canada Revenue tax deductions. Here is how this works for you. Of the first $200 of your charitable donation to the church, 20% of this becomes a deduction. When your charitable contributions exceed $200, everything over that amount is a tax deduction of 40% of the amount you contributed.

Example - Contribution of $500 (Ontario only)

*         On the 1st $200 the government credit is $40 of your donation

*         On the next $300 the government credit is $120 of your contribution

*         On that $500 total contribution the government credit is $160

*         On a $1000 total annual contribution the government credit is $360 or 36%

If you have already reached the $200 donation mark this year, then everything you give now at year-end (by Dec 31st) receives a tax credit of 40% of your contribution. ($40 for every $100 given)

Through your generosity you become the giver and the receiver. This out-flowing of our generous response in time, treasure and talents touches the lives of others and warms our hearts as we experience the joy of giving.

Submitted by Kerry

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

To Be With You

As I attend your congregations to be with the folks in the CEM and engage you in the class and sermon I feel blessed to hear your testimonies, of your personal and collective involvement in the lives of others. It is wonderful to observe and receive ministry from those who when I last saw them 15 years ago were not yet ordained or sharing in public ministry.  I see the joyful almost boisterous singing of some and the quieter thoughtful posture of others. I appreciate the giftedness of those who have planned the worship, evidenced by meaningful readings, relevant scriptures, complimentary hymns, all presided over by a discerning and shepherding presider. Your prayers lift me up and challenge me.  How I value the discussions with our folks during the potluck lunches. I hear what you are reading that has inspired you, the documentaries you recommend I watch which would provide me with new insights into such things as environmental stewardship or our innate compassion within. I hear about your children and grandchildren, your joy in their lives. I take notes that your college and adult kids are in areas where a church or Community Place may integrate with their lives. I hear of your losses, your struggles, and your empathy for others. I watch the dynamics of your interactions with one another. I hear the laughter of fellowship. Some pull me aside to share administrative matters and share thoughts about our direction or ideas we may consider. I take notes. I ponder the what-ifs. Behind the scenes there are so many who prepared the lunch fixings, manage the kitchen tasks and engage in their own dialogue that supersedes the work they do while others visit. I view the banners, signs, bulletin boards, organization of roles, the distinctives of how communion is served here vs another congregation. All of these aspects of congregational life are the blessings of sacred community. People coming together to be with one another, to understand one another better, to listen, to care, to pray, to be renewed and enlivened by the collective spirit of love and the Holy Spirit of Christ in our midst. What joy to be amongst you.

As I drive home sometimes for hours, I reflect upon the entirety of our sharing; lives, needs, discussions, potential opportunities, insight into lives, those who I have talked with, those I have observed. I pray for your welfare, for the confirming spirit to bless you as you pray, as you actively engage yourselves in ministry and mission. How I wish I could spend more time with you. You have touched my life and I pray I offer you ministry that will be a catalyst in your life to pray, to be vulnerable to the leadings of the spirit, to have courage, to respond and experience joy in the evidence of God at work in your life. These are the conversations I want to have with you upon my return. Thank you for your presence in my life. I ask a blessing upon each of you.

Submitted by Kerry

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Sensitive Issues

I thought I would provide a discourse below which is real life and gives us pause for thought on the discussion of sensitive issues. (The opinion of the one posing the question may not be shared by others)

Comment from Facebook - Regarding your response to the Senior High concerns on Facebook, you responded with respectful words and asking those involved to hold to our values and be patient with the process.

I was hoping you could discuss this with us, and share with us what aspects may be valuable to think about in similar situations where discussion has become hostile, and what called you to act/speak out to impose patience and understanding (and perhaps even how you managed to remain a moderator and voice with a certain sense of neutrality).

My Response - Hindsight always offers a new look beyond what might have been the reality at the time I wrote what I did. Initially I was reacting, in my way, perhaps not much differently than many of us; I tend to speak my mind. That being said I also invite others to have their say. I am a believer in dialogue. I learn from the exchange of viewpoints. I have found over the years how limited my view is alone. If I have been perceived to garner some neutrality it is perhaps due to my trying to listen. When I invited the youth/YA to share at the CEM conference, their input changed me. Subsequent meetings with the Sr High Directors and individual conversations with others in that community added insight. I still share my thoughts as well. The primary goal for me was to allow discussion although to me Facebook is not the appropriate venue. Facebook to me is a non-friendly, naturally hurtful and often a demeaning forum for airing sensitive issues. There are great aspects to Facebook, but this is not one. There is a permanency to remarks made and the forum is vastly public. A comment is forever sealed in time even if later one was to alter or soften their stance. Hurtful statements continue to hurt with longevity. Comments broadcast out beyond the intended circle of participants to family, friends and casual acquaintances that then witness ugly discord permanently colouring their perception of your faith community and any future chance of sharing our precepts of peace etc.

Dialogue is sacred. An example; in small groups where people share together in a "safe place" where there is an expectation of respectful exchange, confidentiality and openness which this environment fosters; trust, learning and person to person caring bring you together instead of alienating one another and creating sides. We desperately need dialogue, but the setting is all important. Our goal is not to just espouse a viewpoint no matter should be to listen, empathize, get the facts, see the big picture, but hear the person.

Let's think about the outcome we want with the person(s) in our relationships and how the dialogue can best be fostered to heal or enhance it. Let's also include prayerful openness in the process. Hearts are softened through prayer.

submitted by Kerry

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Generosity Ministries

I changed the title on my email signature and business cards to Generosity Ministries from Financial Officer.  I made this change primarily because of how I identify with my role. First, I view what I do as ministry. As an ordained High Priest my work, even the administrative and financial tasks are an extension of this ministry. Secondly, generosity portrays the nature of my ministry. I strive to be a minister of grace and to be a catalyst of grace in the lives of people. Generosity flows both directions…….from my work as an advocate of grace and generosity on behalf of the Mission Centre and as one who receives the generous gifts of others.

In the IV of Genesis, Abram upon victoriously saving his nephew Lot and his family from captivity, humbly celebrated by paying homage to God’s High Priest, a prince of Peace in the city of Salem whose name was Melchezideck. This emphasis upon peace is significant in a warring land of tribal conflict. Melchezideck was a minister of peace. To be a bearer of peace is to be a bridge linking vulnerabilities disguised within egos; a catalyst creating encounters of healing grace with the Divine. When Abram came to Melchezideck, Abram received a blessing of grace in a moment sanctified by Melchezideck sharing bread and wine which was blessed and then given to Abram. Further, in response to this blessing Abram offered his gifts to Melchezideck. Even as Melchezideck had given a blessing of grace he was also a receiver of Abram’s generosity.

The full scope of the generosity ministries of a High Priest includes receiving the gifts of persons. I, in my role am called to see persons as gifted and to find ways for those gifts to be offered up and to be received with graciousness and joy. Giftedness may exist as potential and possibility, or it can be nurtured and actualized. Giftedness is not a gift until it is offered up. Our gifts have a potential of abundant capacity. Discovering the full capacity of our giftedness within our lives is a blessing. We are called to give of our true capacity in response to God’s grace in our lives. That is giving our best.

Generosity ministries engage lives, intersect and intertwine people. Where one is gifted another is needful. Where capacity is unrealized, grace is nurtured in order that compelling generosity may be joyously offered up. The Spirit abounds in generosity. I have shared numerous times in this blog how grace has touched my life which enables me to proclaim, “how can I keep from giving” My prayer is that I may minister in your lives to draw out your giftedness, to engage your giftedness, to bless the lives our sacred community with your giftedness. May your giftedness build bridges of peace.

Submitted by Kerry

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Mystical or Reality

Last year I was crawling along in rush hour traffic and saw a man lying on the boulevard a couple lanes over. The thought crossed my mind…..stop and see if he is OK….but that would back up perhaps hundreds of cars behind me. You know how it is. People get annoyed. So I continued on thinking he was just catching some sun lying on the grass. Perhaps 20 minutes later I came back that way after picking up a package at the post office and long before I got there I could see flashing lights in the location and sure enough it was an ambulance. For sure, not my proudest moment. One of shame in my books.

While following the proceedings of this year’s World Conference I noted for the 1st time, something called the practice of “spiritual formation.” Throughout the period since then I have participated in a number of “dwelling in the word” practices which acquainted me with a deeper reflection of scripture, the words of counsel and meaningful readings. This is one of many spiritual formation exercises. Although, I personally felt the spirit and gained new insights into each dwelling in the word reading as I perceived each word intently and prayerfully, not taking for granted what I might have considered the reading to say at first glance; I am not sure I understood the whole notion of spiritual formation. I’m kind of a get busy with things type of personality and even when I pray I generally have a pen and paper handy. This past weekend at a workshop the big picture of spiritual formation finally began to sink in. It’s not that it is so different from my approach but now I understand if I am not emptying myself and refilling everyday then the results of my actions are my results, not Gods. 

We live our lives making countless choices and decisions each day, interacting with untold numbers of people, observing many more situations and circumstances than we can even remember; as we drift along sidewalks and hallways and aisles taking for granted the lifeless faces, the signs of need and struggles that abound.

Also, we often think well of ourselves as we feel we might have nailed a presentation, designed an excellent prototype, created a dynamic strategic plan or stated remarks that others admired. There is pride and ego that we sense in our learned skills, our eloquence, our abilities, our relationships…… Particularly in these moments of supposed excellence, we need to ask ourselves the question, “to what extent have I just allowed my best thinking, my logic, and my plans to obscure or totally reduce what the Spirit is seeking to reveal and do through me.” Are you catching what I am saying? More often than not, it ends up being about me/us and not about the other.

In most industries today, the term “Best Practices” denotes the optimum way to do something to achieve the best outcome. To truly be a prophetic people, spiritual formation is the “best practices” principle that guides our moment by moment awareness of life about us into the opportunities we would not otherwise see. The current words of Counsel before us state, “Opportunities abound in your daily lives if you choose to see them.”

So seriously, what does this mean for you and me? I could just launch into my day thinking I am doing just fine, thank you. The Spiritual Formation principle says on the contrary, I can do better. Just when I think that which I say is brilliant (ego time) in a conversation, the Spirit if I had listened would have had me phrase it more pastorally, or more compassionately or positively or humourously or just plain differently. As I walked along the street admiring that sharp looking car, my awareness could have picked up on the elderly woman carrying a heavy package. As I was worried about getting my point across in a conversation I missed the opportunity to notice the pain in the other person’s eyes.

Spiritual formation practices nurture a mindfulness and awareness that both empties me of my own clutter and creates space for the Spirit to indwell me. That allows me to see with new eyes; people and situations, words and promptings of the Spirit that answer the needs that are around me. Am I venturing into a mystical realm of make-believe or is there really a new reality that evidences itself with positive reinforcement each moment of prompted response? 

I know the latter is real! Our sacred community exists on this foundational premise that spiritual formation makes me/us vulnerable to the Spirit, nurturing moment by moment a new reality of sensitivity that is felt piercingly, that is scarily intuitive, that is situationally unnerving, that is life disrupting, that transforms doubt into knowing. If you desire to change your Sunday’s from spectating to a reality adventure with an unknown script but enticingly meaningful to the core of your being, then pray like your life depended on it. Empty yourself, let grace sweep over you and become vulnerable to the Spirit. You will be forgiven, empowered and prompted to respond in ways that will make real the songs you sing and the scriptures you read, for in them your life will be revealed.

Submitted by Kerry

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Virtuous Dialogue

I, with many of you have reflected greatly and daily upon our recent experience of discord within the CEM. What have we learned from this experience? Please bear with me as I attempt to describe a profound, positive, collective, coming of age in our midst.

Even as the Community of Christ has transitioned over the years in our understandings and openness towards our heritage, theology and inclusiveness; our journey has other dimensions we are still encountering. At World Conference we implemented new processes for Common Consent and consensus building. This is not just a change in the mechanics of discussing legislation; it evidences deep-rooted participatory engagement in our church life and decision making. This reflects the expectation of our membership to be informed, to research, to dialogue, to express diverse opinions, to be heard, to listen, to challenge, to collaborate. In a sense the phrase “prophetic people” has taken on greater meaning in a deliberatory sense. Our present “Words of Counsel”, are before the church for a period of 3 years for prayerful and participatory deliberation. We as a community are presently internalizing the meaning of the counsel to us. This extended period of literally “dwelling in the word” engages our collective prophetic prowess, so that in unison in 2016, having lived out these words, fleshed out these words, we can joyfully proclaim them as scripture. 

What does this mean to us in CEM? Outside of conferences, we do not turn off our participatory spirit and our resolve to engage in self-determination in our home congregations or church related activities. We continue to express…… Indeed, our use of social media as a forum for expression is also a mysterious organism that typically reflects polite public exchanges, until group dynamics are challenged and then emotional waves rally support with accelerated intensity that complicates communication and eventual reconciliation.

Again, what does this mean to us in CEM? I think it means, we expect and feel we have a right to engage in dialogue and that out of that collective dialogue, decisions are made. Our experience with nurturing and facilitating dialogue in decision making is quite rudimentary. We have much to learn. It is much easier in all organizations to operate within a mode of top down decision making. That traditionally is the way it has been. Transitioning away from this protocol is another dimension of our faith journey I made reference to above. It happens by way of natural grass roots processes rather than a conscious decision to push a dialogue button. We find ourselves today in a new model of decision making involving dialogue linked with an unpredictable and relentless social media backbone.

But we are also a sacred community. How does that govern our exchanges? Dialogue can be an eruptive force of contention without internalized virtues guiding our discussions. Dialogue can be secular in nature or sacred. We see the secular modeled in our houses of parliament. Sacred dialogue is mindful, prayerful; exhibiting grace and vulnerability to allow compromise and consensus to emerge out of divergent viewpoints. This mode of dialogue takes practice and intentional self-awareness by all to truly happen.

Our church has recently introduced spiritual formation moments within our conference sessions. I participated in these short reflective moments last week in our Canadian staff meetings. These moments nurture the sacred within. Perhaps we should also practice dialogue moments to teach us virtuous exchanges of discussion. Let us not mistake virtues for weakness. They are on the contrary, strong, persistent, even-spirited, mindful exchanges not based upon black and white outcomes but negotiated consensus.  We need advanced tools for dialogue. Temple School does encourage in the new Instructor course creative dialogue techniques. We practiced group dialogue sessions last week. Dialogue is something you just don’t read about. It is participatory and learned in dynamic exchanges. It is more than debating. The virtuous element governs our person to person awareness. How needed also is this self-regulating, virtuous sharing in social media.

Ultimately, dialogue is sacred if we allow it to be. That to me is what we have learned. That is the pathway forward. We have an incredible opportunity now to participate in virtuous dialogue, stumbling at first as we have, but worth the effort to continue and nurture collaborative outcomes through our collective dialogue. I am hopeful. I look forward to engaging in the next step together.

Submitted by Kerry

Monday, November 4, 2013

Be Vulnerable to Divine Grace

Today was communion Sunday. I partook in the La Salle congregation with the wonderful folks there. Each congregation has slightly different traditions in their presentation and protocols of serving the bread and wine, but the prayers of blessing and serving by priesthood harmonize this sacred sacrament throughout Community of Christ. Wherever I attend I am blessed around this table in the Spirit of our Lord.

The Lord’s Supper experience inwardly happens within our hearts, minds and souls and outwardly with one another in sacred community. The moment is sanctified with reverent thought, reaffirmation of covenant and a sense of oneness. Grace permeates our being as we consciously empty our lives of those habits, discordant thoughts and injurious words and acts both received and given that have separated us from one another.

I was particularly mindful today while the prayers were shared, of the current discord within the CEM congregations. There are so many scriptures we could elicit to reveal the necessity to cease contention and ….. but to me the most relevant scripture may be today’s theme scripture from D&C 163:10b, “Be vulnerable to Divine Grace.” These profound words speak to the heart of our condition. In the stead of our posturing with attitudes of rightness and aligning ourselves in clusters of division, the Lord calls us to be vulnerable to Divine grace. I visualize this in my mind’s eye as an act of kneeling before God and one another; offering my life, my hurts, my anger, my reactions, my all, without reservation to God to accept in return…..a community of joy, hope, love and peace.

May we each seek peace and allow our discussion processes to go forward in faith that a win/win solution may result. Let us forgive one another, let us learn love for one another which may only be possible through becoming vulnerable to God’s grace. As I shared with the LaSalle congregation today both in word and in prayer, vulnerability to God’s grace has changed my life and hurts and positions of rightness have given way to what matters most…..Christ’s peace.

I invite all to kneel in this act of reverent vulnerability, even as we humbly do so in communion to bring peace to and within our sacred community.  

Submitted by Kerry

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Sacred Words, Sacred Community

A word.....the stringing together of a few letters, then the coupling of words into a phrase, the grouping of a collection of phrases into a paragraph and a series of these into a story that holds the heart and soul with vivid expressions of meaning. How wondrous to be able to share yourself through words or to receive a heartfelt array of words from another to see through their eyes. Sometimes I catch myself writing without being mindful. It is easy to write Happy Birthday on a card and leave it at that. The gesture will be received with gratitude. But then I think, what if......I shared a bit of my soul, what if......I listened within to what might touch that person and create a phrase they will read once more or twice because it connects with them, where they recognize those words were painted upon the page like it was an easel to express the inner depth of friendship or love or hope or joy that dwells within and between us.

Your words are there to be crafted and shared. They can be taken for granted or chosen with care. They can be hurtful, cruel and demeaning or blessed, affirming and uplifting. They are the web that binds us together yet frees us. They are the glue of relationships.

As we reflect upon the past week and the social media flurry of words that I and others have publicly displayed on a tapestry of feelings, let us pause and know that that which we phrase reflects our soul. Have we shared from our heart, have we edified one another in our exchanges of words. Let us discover the sacred in our words. Let them be empowered with sacramental meaning. As we so speak may we also flesh out those words with actions that make them real beyond utterance, lived out in dynamic acts of humility, acceptance, empathy, forgiveness and willingness to be sacred community, not just community.

What matters most in CEM community right now is the sacred in our midst. Let us use our words borne out of thoughtful inner struggle to become lifelines of love, banners of joy, vistas of hope and doves of peace. We need each other to continue the experiences and expressions of sacred community. Let us be a blessing to one another. May the Peace of Christ become flesh through our words and actions.

submitted by Kerry

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Make History or Be History

The expression, "You don't know what you have until it is gone" is a truism so many of us have experienced. In hind sight we are sorrowful for the losses of people, places and things we never knew at the time were as precious as the memories we now have . We might think, if I could do it all over again I would do it differently, knowing what we know now. Perhaps, we might get down on ourselves for the choices we made, tracing that moment of decision of letting go. I have personally been there.....many times. Usually there is no going back.

Let me share a brief story. In 1918, a dynamic RLDS Bishop by the name of RC Evans started a new breakaway church in Toronto that increased to a few thousand members in several congregations across Ontario and Michigan. One primary "cathedral" centre was in the current location of the Sick Kid's Hospital, Although the total number of congregations was smaller, the actual attendance base was larger than our current combined CEM weekly numbers. In the 1960's, the last congregation closed and the building was sold to our Willowdale congregation. The last Bishop of the church died around 1985 and there is one remaining original attendee who is currently an active member of our church. Would these folks have thought such an ending could befall their original vibrant faith community?....... and that now their church exists solely as a page on Wikipedia.

A week ago I was talking with our retired Ontario Bishop from 18 yrs ago. Today, we only have 65% of the number of congregations remaining since the time of his leadership. In the Toronto area as an example, our attendance has declined by 75%. The losses today are in fact accelerating as the lack of social stratas, the glue that "binds" us together in meaningful fellowship have declined or barely exist. Our weakest link is social dynamics across most age groups, most pronounced in the under 40's. Are we repeating the declining realities of our sister Restoration denomination. Will it be told to our great grandchildren that we never knew what we had in the Community of Christ? Will a perceptive future historian/prophet hold forth our enduring principles and peace proclamations and pen the words that Community of Christ was a faith movement that now speaks to the generations of that day with our inclusive  theology as a "light from the dust" as it were? Will a new future generation of prophetic people be inspired by today's Words of Counsel?

Passing into the historical abyss is not a new trend. How many times does history use the phrase, "the rise and fall" of a people, a nation, a culture, a faith or philosophy. Today, I am appealing to you, our 40+ age group. How much does your heritage, your spiritual roots mean to you that make you the person you are today. How meaningful is your faith identity. Is our message redundant in the vastness of Christendom? I think not! Should we allow our faith movement to pass with peace into the palliative end of life stages of finality?

We have to decide if our Community of Christ journey is a light on the pathway the world needs? This is not a decision made by President Steve Veazey or the Council of Twelve, the Bishopric or CEM leadership or a Pastor. They hold forth the vision. This is a decision that comes face to face with you !!!  and me !!!  Do your children and grandchildren need our inclusive, worth affirming blessing of joy, hope, love and peace? Is there a prophetic people really there within our midst .....or is it just a hopeful musing?  Is our prophetic calling one of listening to, responding to and actioning the inspired words we already have, to in fact live them out....or are we waiting for someone else, some other people to bring forth with God that which we already know. If so, how sad that we cannot take ownership over our own day and time.

As I meet with, talk with and minister with many of you, I am hopeful, I am inspired by the possibility that we can reverse the trend of closing congregations and declining numbers.
Perhaps it is possible to only exist in small groups, but evidence does not support this as with the denominational example cited above. There needs to be a combination of a community of responding people and local gathering places of sacred meaning. I challenge you to look within yourself. How precious is what we have in this church? Are you taking it for granted? Are you willing to let it fade into history? If not, then Ask the question, "What is the next step for me to answer the call I feel passionately within, to live prophetically? The first step is always heartfelt prayer, the 2nd is initiating meaningful dialogue with others about "what matters most". The third is actually doing what you envision together. Do not feel you are alone. You and I are not prophets, we are a prophetic people. We need one another. The church, the Body of Christ, is a symbiotic model of the whole relating together, becoming greater than the sum of our individual parts. Community of Christ empowers us if we choose to open up our lives to Christ and let the Spirit and each other in.

So, let us be mindful of the things we take for granted and the visible signs that remind us and call to us, that are the writing on the wall, so to speak. The trends of decline of which I speak are evident to us all. History starkly reveals the outcome. It takes a people with courage and conviction to step out and change the course of direction and lead the way. Is that you!? Is that me? Is that us?

submitted by Kerry

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Thanksgiving Yearnings

Blessings to you and your family this Thanksgiving. I would encourage each of us to bow with me and reflect upon how even on our most discouraging and helpless days there are blessings we can be thankful for. This is a day to put aside that which weighs us down and thank God for even the smallest awareness of life's gifts and bounties. We are, for God has graced our being. This is also a day, inherent in the word Thanksgiving itself, of giving, of ourselves, our bounties, in thankfulness for our blessings. Even if we can offer no more than a smile, let us graciously warm another's heart with our gift of blessing this one day of the year set aside for thoughtfully expressing thanks in the spirit of gratitude. Open your hearts to one another. May your humanity reflect divine attributes in your loving actions one towards another.

As you read these words, open your arm's wide in the spirit of gratitude and symbolically open yourself to the lives of others and draw them into your heart. Take time and visualize individually those in your life and those who come to mind as you reach outward and embrace them and feel and breathe in the connection between you. Hold them in your heart, even those who are passed on, for in this one moment they are as real to you as those you will physically encounter again. This moment is a blessing for the clouds of people past and present who are even in this brief interlude, a blessing in your life and who you can be a blessing for. Carry on the love of those who have gone before you and those who are with you still.

Know deeply that you are blessed and that as deeply as you have felt the presence of one another, God embraces you, blesses you moment by moment and goes before you in blessing to others. Let us read with new eyes the words of D&C 163 and understand how our personal thanksgiving is a moment of awareness that calls us to compassion with God towards all.....none are excluded.

"God, the Eternal Creator, weeps for the poor, displaced, mistreated, and diseased of the world because of their unnecessary suffering. Such conditions are not God’s will. Open your ears to hear the pleading of mothers and fathers in all nations who desperately seek a future of hope for their children. Do not turn away from them. For in their welfare resides your welfare."

It is difficult to read these words. It is exceedingly difficult to dwell upon those images, those sounds that come to mind. How, O Lord, do I answer the tug on my heart now that it is open? My friend, that is what Mission is all about! Together in community we can better answer that call we inwardly feel. With your heart open, in the spirit of sensed thanksgiving and your experience of blessing towards others, become a catalyst of grace and hope that opens others hearts to respond with you.

May you find peace, the peace of Christ, that dispels the burden of thanksgiving accountability through your compassionate response in Mission.  May abounding grace and fervent thanksgiving erupt with passionate self-giving from your

submitted by Kerry

Friday, October 11, 2013

Church at the Zoo

Why do so many people think that church has to be held within four walls of a church building? Or that inviting someone to church can be a scary thing? Why not think of something you like doing and take church there?? That's exactly what we recently did in the Canada East Mission, we held "Church at the Zoo" and it was an event enjoyed by all who came! 

What a fun event to invite people to experience Christ and the sacredness of creation together! Some who came, attend their local congregations on a regular basis, others had only set foot in a church one or two times in their lives, so what a perfect time it was to introduce our Enduring Principles to them and share examples of using them in everyday life, outside the walls of the church. 

Matt Swain created an exciting scavenger hunt that touched on each enduring principle and made people think about how they can truly live Christ's mission. By the end of the day many new friends where made, many strangers lives had been touched by simple things like thanking them for holding a door, and plenty of pictures were taken! You can even watch the video by clicking on this link.

This will most definitely become an annual event! Hopefully we will see you there next year!

Emily Whitworth
Canada East Mission
Young Adult Leader

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Mental Health Awareness Week

Right now we are in the midst of the National Mental Health Awareness Week.

If I close my eyes momentarily and envision the many many people I know who unwantingly face the rigors of mental health fluctuations in their lives, I am overcome by their courage and fortitude. Their lives are hard to live. At a funeral I attended yesterday, the speaker said, "Life is good until it isn't." Perhaps a simple statement, but it describes so well the experience of a person encountering the unpredictable winds and waves of what you might call "mind storms". It is like the weather patterns that all are so familiar with. Even the experienced weatherperson can't seem to predict the ebb and flow of sun and cloud or precipitation or temperatures. The severity of storms are beyond knowing, until they shake and pound and cause you to run for cover. The person with mental health storms likewise, are pummeled by the unpredictable trauma of inner torment or anxiety or depression or fear or sounds and sights and grief and despair that overwhelm the circuitry of their operational control panel. Naturally occurring chemical imbalances temporarily stabilized by medications hold back the tides until their bodily chemistry like our immune systems evolve to reduce the benefit of their treatment. The quest to start again with new dosages or new medications interact differently with each patient, some good, some bad. In the meantime those dear folk try to live and function with their lives in turmoil and upheaval in expected normalcy. Most of us barely function with a cold or flu that hits us with short term symptoms for a few days once in a while. The contagious nature of these known ailments are cause or us to take time off from work with the sympathy and thankfulness of our fellow staff. Those with emerging mental health storms that outwardly are pretty much invisible to others are at a disadvantage in being understood by their peers and colleagues. They simply are misunderstood. They are marginalized because society as a whole is far from empathetic; operating on efficiency, productivity and expectations of normalcy.

Some are unable to function within society. Yesterday, I was touring a new Board member through the church owned Bill McMurray residence in Toronto. We house and provide compassionate care for 84 residents, all marginalized members of society. A very high % of these individuals are encountering mental health trauma in their lives which has impacted them for decades with untold losses. How proud I am of this program reflecting Mission at its best, in the unending 24/7 care provided to these dear folks. Mission is not easy. There are many challenges and hurdles in managing a residence of care for those marginalized in society. I would encourage everyone to become familiar with this program at Bill McMurray which falls under the umbrella of our non-profit Sionito Corporation which has 3 other buildings in Toronto and London all managed by church volunteer Boards. Our website is 

Compassion, empathy, love and acceptance of different ways of life expressions in people we meet, live and work with is what we need to build awareness of this week. We all live in the bounties of grace whether we acknowledge its presence in our lives or not. Relating to others as we want to experience acceptance, love and understanding is the golden rule of compassion. Let us remember the imagery of storms as the unpredictable reality of mental heath fluctuations. May we become one measure of peaceful  loving stability in the lives of those who encounter these extended unknown periods of breakdown in the circuitry of their lives.

submitted by Kerry

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Superficiality and Community

For years now I have read the news on-line vs a newspaper even though in the Toronto market many are free. What I enjoy about the on-line Globe or Star are the comments following the articles. Invariably there are contrary and divergent viewpoints that expand my understanding of issues. Some comments are reactive, some affirmative and some bring brilliant dialogue to the topic which becomes a catalyst for testing the validity of the points expressed. One such interactive dialogue I found so intriguing from the viewpoints posted on all sides (many more than 2 sides to the story) that I copied and pasted the entire 200+ comments onto a word document to enable me to be more informed about the Israeli / Palestine issue which is confusing for me.

There are countless blogs and unlimited dialogue forums on-line about meaningful and diverse subjects. For yourselves, within Facebook there are perhaps a dozen dialogue groups openly discussing any and all topics about our heritage, our theology, our practices, our validity. These forums for me provide insight to the breadth of viewpoints related to our Community of Christ body of people. These forums help me to understand my own faith better as I consider my response to questions posed or perspectives cited. It is not just about protecting my positions of faith. I learn, I grow, I research to verify claims, I am stretched with the new and am enriched. I also always am mindful of our heritage standard to learn by both study and (prayerful) faith.  I would encourage each one to expand your horizons of exposure to faith dialogue. It will also necessitate you knowing your own heritage beliefs with Community of Christ. To know the fundamentals of our faith read the booklet, "We Share" which encapsulates our current enduring principles of faith. If you do not have the booklet, just read it on-line here:

To give you a taste of thoughts out there about churches that are being discussed that hold back no punches try these following blurbs people have posted.

"when we are a part of the church, many of us assume that because we are surrounded by people our loneliness will be remedied. Not!  We wonder how genuine the friendships were there in the first place. We were lonely surrounded by people."

I understand the sense of isolation that seems pervasive in church culture. I have spent many hours this past year as a 66 year old trying to determine why this seems to be a characteristic of church community, even in the church that I have been a member of for 35 years and in which I have held leadership positions. When I recently went through a personal crisis, it was my longtime friends and neighbors outside the church community that rushed to inquire about my well being and support me. Interestingly enough, it was not my church "family." I haven't quite figured out the paradox of this situation, but I am working at it.

"going to church could give people the opportunity to mingle with diverse people that are quite different from themselves. In practice, though, many churches tend to attract congregations that tend to be somewhat "the same" and many church communities fear diversity and "the other". In a diverse world when certain communities fear diversity, these "sameness bubbles" will tend to get smaller and smaller. I think that if churches could change their inner psychology and embrace diversity, they could grow their numbers."

"I've never gone to a church where there was ethnic diversity. I have always gone to churches where there was economic diversity. Like you said, the ethnic diversity should have been there, and would have been a great way to get to know and relate to people of other cultural backgrounds. But it didn't work out that way, unfortunately."

"actually, I think the internet is one of the biggest reason for a fall in church numbers.
The internet does two important things:

(1) Community: as related to the post -- it allows community of like minded folks without having to give up 1/4 of your time off each week, drive across town or get dressed up only to have perfunctory nice talks with lots of fake smiles. Well, that is only how church is for some folks.
(2) Knowledge: evidence exposing the foibles of religion are now readily available.
While true that face to face community is important, I think it's important to emphasize a third option on why the Internet may have altered religious practice:
(3) freedom to explore ideas And no topic is considered off-limits. You can share and there will always be someone who can relate, chime in, etc. In the Church, there's too much concern about something being taboo, thus leading to artificial relationships. And our group is not perfect. People say things that offend others, but we're generally quick to make amends without sweeping it under the rug. That doesn't often happen in church. Quite the opposite: the offense is swept under the rug hoping to never be dealt with again. Nothing gets resolved. I'll take real and flawed any day over superficial parading as real and genuine.

Comments like the above challenge us to be relevant, to be real, to explore what needs to change. A full 75% of our total CEM membership is now peripheral to our attending ranks. That says something. Numbers speak volumes. In the sales profession, poor measurables determine the discontinuation of a product or the immediate and critical necessity to change it. Corporate survival is based upon listening, market research, competition, perceived customer benefits, and the cost to acquire that product in comparison to the alternatives. I say it that way as there is a cost to you to attend church in your measurably precious time, your personal inner investment for meaningful intersection with the Divine, courage to engage yourself in social relationships and actual $$ expenditures in gas, contributions etc. Knowing your customer and your customers needs in business creates product loyalty. Loyalty is fading. The comments above about churches are just a small slice of reality in people's thoughts who choose not to attend church.

We need "to be with" those in the periphery or those who are "alone" in our congregations to know them. "With" means personal time, $, courage, prayer and life investment in their lives. Many just fade away otherwise. We are superficial friends if we allow that to happen? Were they lonely in our midst because of superficiality. Is our community of joy, hope, love and peace a future image in our minds or a present reality in our midst. Are we community? These questions are for each of us to ask, to feel deeply within, to have tears over, to take us to our knees and pray for ourselves to change, as we are ultimately that product that needs changing.

I challenge myself and you to be honest, to know there is a cost, to know we need to change things in our lives such as praying intently, having an envisioned plan that compels us, increasing our capacity of time to nurture the reality of community where we are and becoming a catalyst by partnering with others to do the same. It is not easy. I open this blog site's stats and pray for everyone on this blog subscription list every day. May I, may the Spirit be a catalyst in yours and my life!!

submitted by Kerry

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Woulda, Coulda, Shoulda

"Well, I had good intentions" is a well meaning expression of woulda, coulda, shoulda dimensions

We all aspire to in our better moments, to do, to be, to give, to call, to visit, to help........

Intentions often are mind games that never get realized, never get legs, never get started......

In our sacred community, word becomes flesh when our feet hit the ground, when the rubber hits the road. All these idioms get the message across that what we envision is only a pipe dream until we act upon what we visualized and said we were going to do.

The notion of intention becomes "intentional", when shared with another person. I have previously blogged about participating in a 2x2 partnership to actualize your idea which now becomes a plan. In our church heritage, missionaries went out in pairs. (2x2) We need to reactivate this approach which enables us to both become a catalyst for another and to accomplish the task you envisioned. 

In the 90's, I was dealing with stress at work and walking was one means to release the tension. I found it so difficult to motivate myself to get out there and go for a walk every day. John Morgan lived in the neighbourhood. Before 6am we would meet to walk together and our time became one of my favourite times of the day. Our discussions opened our minds and generated numerous ideas, events and resources. The reality was, that which I was unable to do for myself was actualized as John offered to partner with me in walking. This 2x2 partnership became a blessing in our lives in multiple ways that even extended into the lives of others. 

Ideas and programs at Church so often stall or completely fade away when life happens to our schedules, time and energy. Believe me, it takes an extremely compelled person to "bring to pass" as the Bible says, ideas at church. Even when we take training and Temple School courses and good causes are at stake, we often get caught up in sports, evening TV, books, shopping, almost anything that slides in higher on the priority list than a church function or participatory activity that might stretch you somewhat. We all need a 2x2 partner. This one step in our lives will transform our capability to be intentional. Our "capacity" to become that person we want to be happens before our very eyes.

I challenge everyone without exception, as we can all enhance our lives through this model, to find a 2x2 partner that will take you the next mile, the next stage in your life, in your discipleship. When we make that companionship a sacred relationship that deepens in meaningful ways, our lives will change. In the process of changing our lives the church will change right before our eyes as well. Don't allow the woulda, coulda, shoulda mentality to stop you from doing this one critical thing! It doesn't need to be a person who lives close by. Phone, email, Skype will start the ball rolling. Just make sure you both know it is a 2x2 relationship and you want to achieve a mutual plan that you follow through with. Schedule the times together to work your plan. Be a catalyst for others to do the same. If there are multiple partnerships in place then you all become follow-up motivators affirming one another.

In the picture above, Jesus is recruiting partners. He was an inclusive recruiter. I am sure he could have fulfilled his Divine purposes on his own, but.....he called others to participate with him. Discipleship is a covenant partnership that is not a solo activity or it either burns out or never gets started. Pray about this right now and write a possible partner's name on a piece of paper and stick it on your keyboard so you don't forget. Direct them to this blog and get started. I just did it myself.

In the internet world some ideas, videos, happenings go viral. If there is one thing I would like to see multiply in that manner it is this. It just takes you to launch it now!

God Bless your intentions into reality!

submitted by Kerry

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Assumptions for Growth

Tonight I sat with the leadership of a congregation about a renovation project that should have been over the top exciting. The reality is that they are so concerned about the future of the congregation that the project was no more than a pipe dream. Perhaps rightly so! They are few in numbers and older attendees which is a typical story throughout our CEM geography. I also attended a church dinner tonight at a different congregation. It was extremely well attended but the age demographics was 50+ as well. I was in 2 other congregations the past 2 Sundays and the 50+ trend is prevalent everywhere.

My response to the project congregation tonight was to look beyond the current situation and change their outlook. If I was a church planter moving into a new city to launch a new church, expecting to find even 1 person to share my story with would be great. If I was told there were already 25 people there and  that I did not have to start from scratch, I would be elated. When we compare to yesteryear, a different time and need, there is never a hopeful comparison. Our look forward has to be a clean sheet of paper. Often in this exercise we may start with some assumptions to shape our look forward. Let's try a few.....

  • From our database of members noting birth years, group the ages into categories
  • Highlight attendees in yellow
  • For those not highlighted, list who knows them reasonably well, even if it is someone in another congregation
  • Assume you will be coached, mentored and supported by CEM in the how-to approach to reconnect with periphery members.
  • Assume your revitalization will be through personal phone calls and person to person visits, invites and come with me shared time....not emails and letters
  • Assume you will be initiating 1-2 small groups within your congregation revolving around the commonalities of the group not geography
  • Assume you will be introducing multimedia in your sanctuary (large screen, projector, speakers, WiFi)
  • Assume you will need a laptop computer and a 20" inch monitor for your small group meeting
  • Assume you will be planning monthly recreation
  • Assume you will be having a guest speaker and a potluck lunch once a month
  • Assume each member of the Cong Re-engagement team will have written an in-depth envisionment story of what your changed congregation looks like in 1 year from today
  • Assume you will make your story a reality
  • Assume each of you will be engaging in daily personal prayer that compels you
  • Assume your r-engagement team members will be partnering 2x2 with one another for joint ministry
  • Assume you will meet monthly to evaluate your revitalization progress
  • Assume you will have a congregational Facebook page and diligently add to it weekly for marketing your dynamic  congregational life
  • Assume your congregation will start to share programming with other congregations in your geographical cluster area to increase social dynamics
  • Assume you will align your Older Youth with Community Place
  • Assume you will become elated with others that momentum will flourish, that your compulsion to pray will change your life
  • Assume if you do not do the above, you are guaranteed to be closing your congregation doors as 20 others have in the past 15 yrs.
  • Assume you are not alone. You will not be the first congregation to make a turnaround.
  • Assume the time to decide to change is shorter than you think. With weak social linkages in most congregations the glue holding you together is gone.
I look forward to talking with you, sharing with you, working with you to bring about change. I don't know who becomes intrigued, challenged and decisive from reading this blog. You have to call, email, respond to this blog below to let us know in the CEM that you are ready for change.

On an exciting note...... This coming Sunday I am speaking in the Montreal congregation. This is the largest congregation in the CEM with attendance from 120-200 on Sundays. I understand there are 4 choirs and a band to accompany them. We are confirming 3 new members. The dynamics of worship have been described to me as exhilarating. I can hardly wait to be part of this experience. The demographics are almost all below the 50 age mark. If anyone wants to drive down with me, let me know. There is room for 3, perhaps 4. Assume you will be awed!

Now think about why the picture above is an empty tomb. Think congregational resurrection.

Submitted by Kerry

Monday, September 23, 2013


What does it take to effect change in a congregation? The first thing I would say is a compelling personal commitment. We can state we are committed, however the driver to make it compelling is the key. With our careers, personal time choices, social schedules and TV, unless our engagement in church is compelling, we will falter in completing what we started out to do. The motivation starts within. Look through my past blogs on the CEM website for the one on Providence Principles as a guide. Simply, if you aren't praying deeply daily then the compelling connection won't happen in your life. 

I remember recently the Pastor of a congregation saying to me when I completed a project which I said I would tackle. "I am not used to someone saying they would do something and then following through." I thought it must be an anomaly. This comment quite surprised me and would be a sad commentary if this is true within congregations.

I am accustomed in the corporate world to people following direction, of managers following up on staff for updates on projects they are engaged in or reports being given to recap the progress. There is accountability for assignments, expectations to complete tasks, reliance on one another to do your part in the whole. It is noticeable when someone does not contribute adequately. Within a church setting what rules of accountability apply to our reality of being volunteers who ultimately are only accountable to ourselves. 

My sense is that the greatest change required at congregations today is not even something that happens within the church building. If church in your life revolves around the Sunday service, if your priesthood role is about you taking your turn on Sundays, then the "compelling" nature is at a low ebb in your life. I recognize for many of us we simply just don't know what to do when we leave those church doors on Sundays. Life happens and our schedules take over. It's not that we aren't doing good things throughout the week? It is likely random acts of kindness to use that as an example not proactive, planned acts of kindness. If a sales rep was to just spontaneously and randomly visit customers without first planning out an itinerary or reviewing past calls and working an objective for each visit, then the unprepared results they end up with are generally wasting the customer's and their own time. Intentional dates and times in your calendar, prepared plans to guide you, resources to support your effectiveness, all magnify your success and thereby pump up the momentum which builds the compelling feeling within.

"Generosity Capacity" which we talk about as a church isn't about finances. Financial giving is generally a response of generosity. What I want you to remember is that we all can expand our capacity to be generous. Our capacity to be motivated, our capacity to be compelled, our capacity to free up more time, our capacity to envision possibilities, our capacity to enact what we envision with a plan, our capacity to be more successful, all lead to our increased capacity to be more generous, our capacity to bless others and our capacity to effect change. It starts with daily deep prayer and a desire to align our lives with the Divine. The inward, impelling surge of motivation that arises from that daily encounter becomes the ongoing driver of change in our own lives and in our congregations.

Commitment works best in a team. Our church has a heritage of partner ministry. Early ministers went out 2x2. The power of 2x2 has a magnifying and stabilizing impact on motivation. Mutual envisionment, mutual prayer, mutual goals, plans and team ministry keep you on track together. Confidence in your prayerful reliance on one another to be present to/for one another, to listen and fill in the gaps in your collaborative ministry; empowers you beyond the intimidating, non-starter perceptions that bar you from getting out there to just do it! Discover your 2x2 ministry partner and become the dream team of ministry exploring new ways to become a blessing in people's lives. If you are looking for ideas connect with me and I will get you started in some exciting ministry options.

We all are called, our mission as Christ's very own expressed mission, is clearly stated. We have to decide individually, or 2x2 with a ministry partner, if Mission really Matters Most to Us or not! The choice is always before us. If you need a stronger vision of possibility, or you need to see the glass 1/2 full in the midst of what seems to be a totally empty glass, give me a call. I will help you to engage because you are compelled!

submitted by Kerry