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The spot for the good news, the good word, the quick reports of the many, many wonderful news items I hear all the time and want to share with the rest of you. Expect to find the good news when you come to check out "what’s the good word?"

Thursday, November 4, 2010


Here we are, past the midway point of our formation week and CPIers and instructors alike are experiencing a bit of an energy slump. Nothing too, too serious, but definitely noticeable.

It's been a great week with Apostle Susan (who's battling with a persistent cough and a throat that tires before the rest of her) and our public ministry instructor Jane, whose willingness to step into the breach whenever Susan needs to recharge her vocal batteries. Whoever is speaking is giving us rich information, inspiration, motivation and generous sharing of their broad experience. They have been wonderful and as pastors and staff we are truly feeling new energy for our roles. Look forward to the return of your CPI pastor coming back with a good injection of energy for the job!

Energy is something that ebbs and flows in our physical, spiritual, emotional and mental beings. We often speak of a need for balance, a need to listen to the signals our bodies and spirits send us that let us know--whether or not we elect to listen, to pay attention--that our batteries need recharging, or time to rest.

There has been some of that happening this week. There are some nasty bugs lurking among us--whether viral, or bacterial, or some other less clinical sort. And we're paying attention. In fact, some of us are not here! How smart we are!

It is so important for this group of pastors, who give so very much of themselves to their congregations, to their communities, to colleagues and coworkers, to do some of the things we're learning can help boost our energies. This too is part of the CPI curriculum. Much of what we take away is not what goes in to the notes. Much learning comes from other sources.

Great energy is derived from the slow lunch shared with an eighty-something blind priest who holds the Order of Canada and now lives in the retirement wing here. The one lady who used to eat alone, but has now adopted us and loves to share about her personal spiritual retreat here this week, renewing herself for her own healing ministry. It is lovely to meet a former workshop student who shares how much she's enjoying the lesson plans we worked out in a creativity workshop I offered here a couple of years ago. We are so thankful for even the little bit of sharing from Judi this evening as we worked on our understanding of the grieving process. So many of us are grieving in some way.

We love the knowledge that the members of the Bishops' peace and justice committee meeting in the other work room take time to pray for our successful week! "I see you in there working so very hard; I pray for you whenever I pass your door" reported one of them to me in the corridor.

So even though it's Wednesday night and we're all feeling a bit tired, we know that we are about to experience a huge injection of energy from all this. The halls in the residence are quiet tonight. Wisdom is prevailing and weary heads are hitting the pillows.

Thank you for keeping us in your prayers.

Posted by Marion

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