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Tuesday, July 20, 2010


I have just been reading the farewell sermon of Bishop NT Wright. Many of you will recognize that name from some of his writings. He is often quoted as a respected, somewhat theologically conservative church person. But one who is willing to engage in the ongoing theological conversation with others of more liberal perspective. Most notably in The Meaning of Jesus with Marcus Borg.

But this is not about NT Wright, exactly, but about an intriguing sentence in that sermon of his.

He said Christians needed to learn “how not to please ourselves” but make room for one another and live in harmony.

He said: “It is fatally easy to squeeze out or sneer at people who for whatever reason appear not to fit our model; and when we do that, we more or less guarantee that they will not be able to hear, let alone believe, the message about Jesus that we preach.”

He continued: “It’s fatally easy to imagine that all my prejudices are theological convictions and that all your theological convictions are mere prejudices.

“That’s not to say that there aren’t such things as genuine convictions and prejudices, only that it’s often difficult to sort out which is which.”

He admitted that welcoming others was not easy and that Christians still needed to be able to tell the difference between the “differences that make a difference and the differences that don’t make a difference”.

I could say more about this but I think I'll just leave it with you. I thought it was lovely and if I'm honest with myself, there are many things that for me are clearly differences but I can't really be sure that they make any real difference.

What do you think?

Posted by Marion


  1. Some thought-provoking views here. On an intellectual level, it's easy for some of us to convince ourselves that we have no prejudices because that's what we want to believe...but if we listen to our hearts, well, that's a different story. What we say or do that's from the heart will resonate as true acceptance. There's no worse feeling than rejection and sadly, I'm sure I have conveyed that message on too many occasions, without even knowing it. Bishop Wright's observations remind me that my prejudices can get in the way of any attempt I make to get Christ's message across.

  2. Thanks Dorene, I really appreciate your thoughtful comment!
    (And I really appreciate your hanging in there until it worked for you!!!!)


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