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Monday, January 23, 2012

An Idea

Here's my idea. I know some of you have very successful "adult classes" while others have relinquished them in favour of an extended coffee hour. My idea is that you institute a second class. Yes, I know, some will say "It's enough of a challenge to keep one group going" or perhaps "But we like our class; don't fix what isn't broken." Either way, please hear me out.

My guess is that not all twenty-five of you needs to be in that group. Some of you would really, really like to dig a little deeper, or explore some other topic (social justice or local activist cause) or perhaps work to develop a new skill (along the line of "equip disciples for ministry"). So what if there are only three or four of you? Pick a subject, or a book, or someone you know who has some expertise. Locate a spot--the choir loft, or the library or even the furnace room, if all the more conventional places are being used--and just begin!

Here are three suggestions. I'm beginning with books that I already know and that would meet some of the above criteria. You can be a self-led group with any of these texts, let the author be your guide. Good luck!

#1 The Disciple-Making Church, by Glenn McDonald. There's already a little review of this text on the Disciple Formation page on CEM's web page. It offers some practical things to try for those who'd like to be "better" disciples.

#2 From Pew to Pulpit, by Clifton Guthrie is also reviewed there. This is a great little text (just over 100 pages) for people, ordained or not, who may want to learn how to be better pulpit speakers. Our denomination uses the skills of all who have something to say. Wouldn't it be wonderful if they learned how to do the best job possible? Are there three or four in your congregation who might like to try it?

#3 Attentive to God, by Charles Wood and Ellen Blue. This book's sub-title invites us to "think theologically" and it is a text for those who've wondered about that. It walks the reader through the basics (very understandable) and then suggests some real-life congregational and community situations and helps us consider how our theology would have us address them. Issues like what to do about the food bank, or how to make expensive medical decisions or what to think about ghosts and vampires. You could have some great conversations with this book.

There you go. My idea. Let me know if anyone takes me up on it.

Posted by Marion


  1. it would seem that both of us are really enthusiastic about the "Disciple Making Church" by MacDonald. the DMC would be an excellent way to start mission and is an essential for any "toolbox for mission".

    from pew to pulpit is also an excellent book and excellent resource for everyone from those thinking they would like to speak to those who are quite seasoned.

    i haven't read "Attentive to God"! after i get through a few other books, i will have to give that one a read!


  2. oh, and excellent idea about the other, or others, classes that may be less formal.

  3. Thanks, Marion. I like your ideas.

  4. Good response guys. I've got my eye on Stratford for one (or more) extra study groups :-)

  5. well, the morning coffee clatch could probably form a class or two!


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