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The spot for the good news, the good word, the quick reports of the many, many wonderful news items I hear all the time and want to share with the rest of you. Expect to find the good news when you come to check out "what’s the good word?"

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Anniversary News

One year ago today, What’s the Good Word? went public with Marion’s reflection on that question and on the “Word” itself. It was a new beginning.
Marion and I have each given some minor consideration to how we might appropriately acknowledge this minor milestone of our CEM communication efforts. As its name implies the original intent was to use this vehicle to communicate news of the good things that are happening in Canada East Mission. Over the past year, we have broadened that purpose in order to have conversations with you on a variety of topics; some of them serious, some of them just for fun. We have also used the blog to share our own musings and reflections on matters of import. It has been a good year, and the blog has proven to be a good thing. Given the blog’s original purpose, however, the one year anniversary of What’s the Good Word seems like the perfect time to share some current good news.

At the 2009 CEM Mission Conference, we presented a 10-year plan entitled 2020 Vision. One of the goals of that plan is the planting or re-planting of five new congregations in CEM by 2020. The first of those was FIRED UP!; a congregation with “no fixed address” launched by four young adult leaders. This experiment has had successes and set-backs in its first nine months, but is now preparing to move forward into the future with acts of love and service in its surrounding communities. Watch for lots more good news concerning this effort in the weeks and months to come.

Today I am delighted to announce a major step towards the launch of a second new congregation; this time in the city of Barrie, ON. It is with great joy that we share with you the hiring of Matthew Swain as a full-time Church Planter/Pastor for the Barrie community. Matthew and Irena Swain will be re-locating to Barrie by September so Matt can begin his work. It will be their task to lead us in re-establishing a visible and effective presence of the church in this community and to bless the lives of many people by sharing the Peace of Jesus Christ. For your information, Matthew is an Elder in the church, and Irena is a Priest. Both are wonderful ministers.

Again, you can expect to hear much more good news about this new venture in Barrie during the months and years to come. For today, perhaps that is enough good news. As they used to say during the so-called golden age of radio, however, stay tuned!

So Happy Anniversary to What’s the Good Word? It is, of course, just another day of sharing good things that are happening. The point is, however, that good things are happening! So let us rejoice and share a smile today. And should you happen to have cake, well what better way to celebrate!
Posted by Carman

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