Do you make New Year’s resolutions? If so, do you take them seriously and try to keep them? Do you set out a process to help you accomplish what you set out to do? Does this produce results you find satisfying throughout the year as well as at year end?
How did that practice get started anyway? Why is the practice so trendy? However it got started, it seems to be popular with many people looking back at the past year, either with or without regrets and resolving to be a better woman or man in the year ahead. Such resolutions often take the form of losing weight, or eating healthier meals, or developing more discipline in one’s Spiritual practice. All these are worthy objectives, however long they last.
At CEM, we don’t really make New Year’s resolutions, but we have set out what might be considered “New Decade resolutions.” These were announced at the October CEM conference under the heading 2020 Vision. In many ways, they are and will continue to be works in progress.
During the first days or weeks of 2010, we will be reviewing those goals in this blog, inviting you to comment and be involved in helping our Mission achieve them. I am not sure if you will find that prospect exciting, but succeeding in accomplishing our goals will lay the groundwork for a much brighter and healthier future for Canada East Mission in the decades following this one. We plan to make the 2020 Vision a reality. We can do this. It is important for those who follow after us.
As 2009 draws to a close, on behalf of all the staff at Canada East Mission, have a very happy, healthy, and safe New Year. In 2010, may each of us recognize how remarkably blessed we truly are, and may you experience Joy, Hope, Love and Peace in the year ahead.
How did that practice get started anyway? Why is the practice so trendy? However it got started, it seems to be popular with many people looking back at the past year, either with or without regrets and resolving to be a better woman or man in the year ahead. Such resolutions often take the form of losing weight, or eating healthier meals, or developing more discipline in one’s Spiritual practice. All these are worthy objectives, however long they last.
At CEM, we don’t really make New Year’s resolutions, but we have set out what might be considered “New Decade resolutions.” These were announced at the October CEM conference under the heading 2020 Vision. In many ways, they are and will continue to be works in progress.
During the first days or weeks of 2010, we will be reviewing those goals in this blog, inviting you to comment and be involved in helping our Mission achieve them. I am not sure if you will find that prospect exciting, but succeeding in accomplishing our goals will lay the groundwork for a much brighter and healthier future for Canada East Mission in the decades following this one. We plan to make the 2020 Vision a reality. We can do this. It is important for those who follow after us.
As 2009 draws to a close, on behalf of all the staff at Canada East Mission, have a very happy, healthy, and safe New Year. In 2010, may each of us recognize how remarkably blessed we truly are, and may you experience Joy, Hope, Love and Peace in the year ahead.
Posted by Carman Thompson
Posted by Carman Thompson