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Tuesday, August 9, 2011


We often speak with much affection of our Montreal congregation, led by Pastor Albert Cineus. Check the Archives, over there in the left sidebar, for some old stories about them. Or do a word Search to pull some up to re-read.

Today I'm referring you to Art Smith's blog Impressions of Haiti for pictures and commentary of his latest visit to Pastor Albert's homeland. Many of our Montreal families have their origins there.

We all, along with our Montreal folk, have worried and wondered and prayed about the future of Haiti following last year's earthquake and several disasters that have followed. You'll get a bit of an update if you read Art's blog. You'll also read his reference to visiting Montreal years ago and enjoying the hospitality of that "small congregation." At 100 or more active members and friends, they are no longer small, but are one of the larger groups in CEM.

If you haven't thought about Haiti for awhile, let this be a reminder that there is still a great need. And if ever you have a chance to visit, know that you will be welcomed and mightily blessed by a generous people.

Posted by Marion

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