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The spot for the good news, the good word, the quick reports of the many, many wonderful news items I hear all the time and want to share with the rest of you. Expect to find the good news when you come to check out "what’s the good word?"

Monday, May 10, 2010


I have been blessed, in my life, with beautiful sunrises. Witnessing these incredible creations depends on being in the right place at the right time, perhaps passing an East-facing window in the pre-dawn light, and looking out. Watching a glorious sunrise is always a mystical experience for me, so the reader should probably be warned that this writing is likely to lean that way too.

This morning, the horizon glows with colours that can only be explained as designed to grab your attention. It is as if God is out there in Spirit form on the edge of our sight, painting the sky with incredible artwork. It will only last a few moments, and God wants to get someone to notice. The dark curve of the earth is awash in hues of oranges and pinks, and the low-lying clouds are edged with indescribable golden light. It is glorious.

But the colours are only the beginning. I stand transfixed by the window half way down the stairs, watching as the divine Artist uses wisps of cloud and light to create amazing detail in the sky. A new creation opens. An island appears across a frozen lake covered in snow; its trees etched with incredible clarity beyond the transient shore. Mist rises like smoke from houses that must be there, tucked in snuggly against the trees, their residents rising to greet the day and stoking the fires of warmth. The scene lingers a long time as the sun rises, not to banish the scene but to bless it with warmth and glowing light. It is a gift to start the day.

There are images stored on my computer of incredible scenes of colour and grandeur caught at a moment of almost indescribable beauty. There are more that are etched only in worshipful memory. I have often reflected, in times of early revere, that God seems to do some of God’s best work in the morning. Perhaps it is God’s gift to the early riser to be able to witness the blending of fundamental and oh so transient elements into amazing scenes of glory.

Often when I sit in church, I struggle with my all too human attempts at worship. Frequently they just seem wooden and dull, almost lifeless. But in the early morning light, with the sacred Artist working magic across the sky I have no such trouble. These are moments of communion!

May you be blessed with colour and love from the Sacred Artist today.

Posted by Carman

1 comment:

  1. Wow! What a beautiful description. Being present in God's creation is a wonderful blessing.


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