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The spot for the good news, the good word, the quick reports of the many, many wonderful news items I hear all the time and want to share with the rest of you. Expect to find the good news when you come to check out "what’s the good word?"

Thursday, November 5, 2009


If you are seeing What's the Good Word on the newly launched incarnation of the Community of Christ, Canada website here then you're being invited to Read the Blog in a New Window.

Please do that!

It gives you access to lots of additional valuable stuff--Comments and ongoing Conversation, an opportunity to Join that conversation, easy access to old posts and earlier conversations, Sidebar suggestions of other excellent blogs you can link into and pictures of some of the folks who "follow" us.

It's almost always a good idea to look through a new window when you're invited to do so. Let's explore what me might find there.


  1. Thanks Marion, I wondered why there was no longer a place to post a comment, or find the sidebars

  2. As of tonight (this morning!) I updated the blog template so that the actual blog displays in the website.

    This means you no longer have to go to the "new window" to see or make the comments.

    Lew (WebAdmin)


Note: Only a member of this blog may post a comment.