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The spot for the good news, the good word, the quick reports of the many, many wonderful news items I hear all the time and want to share with the rest of you. Expect to find the good news when you come to check out "what’s the good word?"

Friday, October 16, 2009


Have you noticed that everywhere you go, everything seems to be "under construction"? Many main streets in my town appear to be dug up just now. And as I've had opportunity to be around the province, it looks as if we're not alone. Construction sites abound; everywhere we're admonised to "expect delays."

Not just road work, but lots of building is happening. Homeowners are trying to get renovations or additions completed to qualify for tax incentives offered by governments. Colleagues report progress on their deck, their basements; even my hairdresser was telling me about a project to waterproof her basement wall so they can proceed with finishing a new family room.

In the face of all this construction we often ask "Will it never be done?"

The answer to that question is "No." We'll always be building something. In fact, if we were to stop, things would quickly fall into disrepair. We'd outgrow our spaces. Believe it or not, someone would begin to complain about not enough change!

What we're doing here is creating our future. I hope many of you CEM folks will be at Mission Conference tomorrow to deliberate on our future plans, learn how you can participate in a major "construction project" as we create goals, establish direction, set budgets and targets for OUR future -- "Under Construction."


  1. along the lines of "construction"... perhaps someone could post how to post a reply or comment to one of these entries...

    i can't seem to comment except as "anonymous"


  2. thanks for asking for that information John, however i didn't see a response. I too have difficulty posting a comment

  3. Hello faithful readers,
    I'm sorry you're having this difficulty with Posting Comments. I'll put my enormous technical staff right on it!
    I do appreciate your "hanging in" and trying again, as that is really the only support I can offer just now. Obviously you've mamaged to find a way.
    From my vantage point you "just" need to select either Name and type in your name and just keep clicking on Post a Comment. Or select Anonymous if you'd rather not be identified.
    No need to enter a URL, even tho' that option is offered. But leaving that line blank has no impact.
    If it still won't work for you email me directly, either via the blog or at and I'll post your comment for you.
    Meanwhile, keep reading and talking among yourselves :-)

  4. OK, I selected "Google Account" from the "Comment as" drop-down list and then typed in this note. Let's see if it says Anonymous or my name.

  5. Ah! So Google knows you Joan :-)

    Keep those comments coming.


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