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Monday, June 11, 2012


In a few days, our community will meet in the first ever Canadian National Conference.  For many years in Canada we have been talking about GBLT issues.  In response to the guidance in Doctrine and Covenants 164, serious, deliberate, planned dialogue on the matter began in 2011 in preparation for the coming conference.  Now we come together to measure our level of consensus on the matter. 

The conference will seek to measure the level of support on two questions. 
  • What is your level of support for a change in policy to allow Priesthood of Community of Christ to perform the sacrament of marriage for same-sex couples in Canada?
  • What is your level of support for a change in policy to allow for the sacrament of ordination of individuals in a same sex marriage in Canada?
From my viewpoint, here is where we are. 

Currently, same-sex  couples in Canada have the right to be married, and have equal rights under Canadian law with heterosexual couples, however Community of Christ Priesthood have never been given the right to perform their weddings.  Question one above asks if we support giving ministers who would like to do so that right.  That is all.

Presently, persons of homosexual orientation can and do serve in Community of Christ priesthood.  I personally know both men and women who serve the church with love and distinction as single, gay or lesbian men and women. These are women and men who are humble, gentle, gracious people who love God and have devoted their lives to serving the church.  People love them and their ministry appears to be very well received.  Were they to marry, however, they would need to resign from priesthood and their ministry.  Question two above asks if we are ready to change that.  In my view, that is all.

In recent days there have been a number of emails, some from people I deeply love and respect, making their way around the airwaves expressing some level of anxiousness.  Some of these have taken an “us and them” tone, which I find disappointing.  This is not about us against them, we against they, conservative against liberal,  rural against urban, young against old, or anyone against anybody.  This is about our community prayerfully and faithfully seeking to discern how to best be the presence of Jesus for our day and time.  We meet together as fellow disciples of the Prince of Peace and God of Love.  No matter whether the conference recommends a change or not, our feelings of love and respect for each other must not change.  We may and do think differently.  We may not all agree in our understanding of what God is doing in the church or in the world, but we must and do agree on the fundamental statement of Jesus about what matters most; to love God and love our neighbour as we love ourselves. 

So lets not have any more “us and them” talk.  There is no us and them.  There is only us.

Posted by Carman 


  1. WOW Carman!

    what an excellent post! and thanks for the reminder that we are all "us". i pray we are all sensitive to the call of the God in the work of the conference. i know that hearts can change. mine has.


    1. Thanks for your kind words,John, and also for your prayer.

  2. Thank you for your blog, Carman, and we are so thankful to have you with "US" here in Canada as we go this important Canadian Nation Conference. May we be sensitive to our God of love, to lead us forward.

    1. I appreciate your kindness, Betty, and the sensitivity of your comment. Thank you!

  3. I agree with John. Thank you Carman for your comments reminding it is about US! Let's a conference with love and the presense of God and especially the days afterwards.


  4. hey Barb!

    i could not agree more!

    we all need to be ambassador's of God's love, before, during and after!

    i am soooooo looking forward to our entire nation being able to have this conference!


  5. May God be with us!
    It is about 5 years ago that Amy stood in the Regional Conference an poured her heart out about how she felt being unable to be married in Community of Christ. She is now of course married and her an Joanne have a wonderful daughter just turning 5 yrs old Sorraya .
    But especially wonderful is that Amy will be having a baby on June 14th just prior to our conference . The Lord works in amazing ways.
    The picture will be up on Face book on Friday!
    Blessings to everyone. May the Love of God prevail!


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