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The spot for the good news, the good word, the quick reports of the many, many wonderful news items I hear all the time and want to share with the rest of you. Expect to find the good news when you come to check out "what’s the good word?"

Wednesday, April 18, 2012


On Monday of this week, What's the Good Word featured a report from Dorothy Burdette, co-pastor of Wiarton Community of Christ, concerning the response to their Easter Breakfast. Every good idea deserves and needs follow-up and this one is on exception. The following comments are from my email reply to Dorothy. They are offered here in hopes that they may contain something helpful to offer to your congregation as well.


Congratulations to Wiarton congregation on a successful Easter breakfast. My friend Jimmy Munson, a Seventy from Chattanooga TN always says, “Our Victory is in the Invitation.” I noted that President Veazey also used this same expression in his video series on Mission Initiatives.

Invitation is the critically important first step, and nothing is more important. Having said that, there are several more steps that are necessary. Here is my suggested short-list for follow up.

1. Even before the service happens, plan the next event or activity so visitors can hear it announced at the initial service. This information, along with guidance about when and where to register or appear, should be in the bulletin as well as on the announcement screen.

2. Communicate a “Thanks for coming” message to each guest who came to the activity or service. This should be done as soon as possible after the event, and preferably within 72 hours.

3. Build a communication list, whether by mail, email, twitter, newsletter subscription, or phone, so you can invite visitors to come for each subsequent event.

4. And finally, always thank and praise your volunteers (greeters, cooks, servers, ushers, decorators, tech-persons, participants, dishwashers and so on), letting them know how their contribution made a difference.

Once again, thank you for all you do. Your story is a powerful example of invitation at work. We will look forward to hearing more reports of future ventures in Wiarton.

Posted by Carman

1 comment:

  1. excellent Carman!

    and those points are very important! i brought a few of them up in a congregation about a week ago!


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