Hello all you blog friends. I had a lovely day yesterday, part of my "farewell tour", spent with the folks at Ziontario. It was indeed that perfect summer's day. I always love the drive up-country, through lush fields; it's the beginning of the hay harvest. Hills and valleys and broad expanses of canola bloom, the occasional group of boys fishing off the bridge, and herds of cows all facing in the same direction (how do they DO that anyway?) made for just a wonderful morning.
There's a good crowd enjoying the ministry of Apostle Susan. There are so many kids of all ages they've had to split classes. The book table was looking beautifully sparse and picked over--although still plenty of great titles for you late-comers. Afternoon chats, both formal and informal were taking place here and there around the area. My choice of picnic table out in the open made it ideal to greet many folks passing by, some "on a mission" and others off to swim or meet up with someone somewhere.
Now here I am the following morning, trying to sort through the many random thoughts and ideas I might shape into some kind of blog message but really unable to sort them into any kind of mini-masterpiece at all!
I guess I need Carman's advice about "focus." Watch for tomorrow's message and I'll share that advice with you. Meanwhile, have a great summer day. May it be perfect for you as well.
Posted by Marion
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