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Wednesday, December 4, 2013

To Be With You

As I attend your congregations to be with the folks in the CEM and engage you in the class and sermon I feel blessed to hear your testimonies, of your personal and collective involvement in the lives of others. It is wonderful to observe and receive ministry from those who when I last saw them 15 years ago were not yet ordained or sharing in public ministry.  I see the joyful almost boisterous singing of some and the quieter thoughtful posture of others. I appreciate the giftedness of those who have planned the worship, evidenced by meaningful readings, relevant scriptures, complimentary hymns, all presided over by a discerning and shepherding presider. Your prayers lift me up and challenge me.  How I value the discussions with our folks during the potluck lunches. I hear what you are reading that has inspired you, the documentaries you recommend I watch which would provide me with new insights into such things as environmental stewardship or our innate compassion within. I hear about your children and grandchildren, your joy in their lives. I take notes that your college and adult kids are in areas where a church or Community Place may integrate with their lives. I hear of your losses, your struggles, and your empathy for others. I watch the dynamics of your interactions with one another. I hear the laughter of fellowship. Some pull me aside to share administrative matters and share thoughts about our direction or ideas we may consider. I take notes. I ponder the what-ifs. Behind the scenes there are so many who prepared the lunch fixings, manage the kitchen tasks and engage in their own dialogue that supersedes the work they do while others visit. I view the banners, signs, bulletin boards, organization of roles, the distinctives of how communion is served here vs another congregation. All of these aspects of congregational life are the blessings of sacred community. People coming together to be with one another, to understand one another better, to listen, to care, to pray, to be renewed and enlivened by the collective spirit of love and the Holy Spirit of Christ in our midst. What joy to be amongst you.

As I drive home sometimes for hours, I reflect upon the entirety of our sharing; lives, needs, discussions, potential opportunities, insight into lives, those who I have talked with, those I have observed. I pray for your welfare, for the confirming spirit to bless you as you pray, as you actively engage yourselves in ministry and mission. How I wish I could spend more time with you. You have touched my life and I pray I offer you ministry that will be a catalyst in your life to pray, to be vulnerable to the leadings of the spirit, to have courage, to respond and experience joy in the evidence of God at work in your life. These are the conversations I want to have with you upon my return. Thank you for your presence in my life. I ask a blessing upon each of you.

Submitted by Kerry

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Kerry, for observing what makes a congregation function. It takes every member and friend of the congregation to make a sacred community. Thank you again for being so observant as you travel to each congregation and see the values and gifts of each person present.
    Blessings to you and your mission
    Del and Diane


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