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The spot for the good news, the good word, the quick reports of the many, many wonderful news items I hear all the time and want to share with the rest of you. Expect to find the good news when you come to check out "what’s the good word?"

Friday, July 6, 2012


Dear Friends,

Some of you have commented that we haven't been writing much on the blog lately.  In this case, "much" is a serious understatement, since I haven't posted anything for at least two weeks.  After posting several times each week for the past three years, it seems to be time to take at least a brief sabbatical from blogging.  

Since we started What's The Good Word? we have posted 685 separate articles, plus a variety of responses to the comments of you, our faithful readers.  Some of you will be disappointed by this decision, but a break is clearly needed.

Writing should flow naturally and easily because there is something to say that seems to matter, and for the past three plus years, that has been true for me.  When one has nothing to say, however, it is better to remain silent. 

Now seems to be a time to concentrate on other forms of ministry.  The camping and reunion season is under way, there are problems to be solved and people who need ministry. 

I cannot say how long this "breather" may last; I guess as long as needed.  If you are subscribed to What's The Good Word? you will know when (and if) postings resume. 

In the meantime, I noticed on my morning walk this today that the corn in the nearby farmer's fields is already nearly 5 feet high!  That means our summer is passing, probably faster than we realize, so take the time to get out there and enjoy it!

Blessings...every day,


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