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Saturday, July 11, 2015

Revitalization - The Measurables

On our CEM website on the home page is a link to a page that has a posting for 4 new full-time Mission positions to start in Oct. There is also a description of the "Revitalization" program we are launching into congregations. It is exciting and will be challenging for you as it puts our faith individually and collectively to a test. Outcomes and Results will be measured.

The measurables are quite simple yet as simplistic as the equation is, it will only be by transformation that we can reach our goal. There is a growth chart across Canada over 5 years but this is the model:

The envisioned growth is 2 new invitee/participants per month collectively within any of the program activities that a congregation creates or currently offers.

The blessing is in the continuing invitation month after month and that all within the congregation catch the vision and participate in the momentum. For each congregation the Revitalization Minister (RM) is inserted within, there is a 60 day period of “attunement” where there is no expectation of intentional invitation. From that time forward as the congregation creates relevant new expressions to meet people where they are…..2 new invites / mo collectively is the goal. In the first year, the cumulative growth would be 10 months x 2 /mo is 20 new invitees participating collectively in various programs offered by the congregation.

The program will continue to be guided by the CSM (Congregational Support Minister) as the RM moves on to another congregation. So there will be growth of 2 / mo x 12 = 24 the 2nd yr and so on. It is anticipated that living in the midst of mission, with each one being a 2x2 companion to another; experiencing the reality that any activity can be transformed to be a sacred moment of grace and meaningful relational fellowship; will foster momentum. So yes, the #’s can be extrapolated based upon the power of 2 / mo over a period of 5 years. The reality is being mindful that amongst all the participants within a congregation, the model is 2 invites /mo.

Having faith and recognition that everyday activities people are being invited to or which are being created around them to match their passion; are transformed into appealing, meaningful, new expressions of fellowship that become “invitable” is key. Momentum will grow out of this experience of everyday missional fellowship. It is like everyday bread and wine being transformed into  sacrament. We will mentor you to transition the common into meaningful.

So measurables start with our existing baseline of congregational members and participants. We each need to be missionally transformed for this to happen. You will be introduced to 2x2 companioning which will be the means of enablement to keep us fulfilling our covenant to and with one another and with God. Solo efforts will always fail us. The “tipping point” of behavioural change will emerge from 2x2 companion commitment to be spiritually formed and to live that which we envision and commit to. Daily affirmations and check-ins with one another will enable fulfillment. Out of that model, amongst all the 2x2 companions, within a willing congregation, missional momentum of 2 invites / mo. will happen and continue.

That is the vision of our Canadian Congregational Revitalization model we hope to integrate within each one of you.    

submitted by Kerry

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